Creative Writing:

"The Woman Who Feeds the Deer,"  JMWW, October 2020

"Vestibules," Little Fictions Big Truths, May 2019

"Mugs," *82 Review, 2020

"Open Chords," Proof That I Exist Anthology, 2020 (print)

Book Reviews & Interviews:

Nonfiction Review, WE THE PARASITES by A.V. Marraccini, Heavy Feather Review, 2024

On Other Worlds, Being a Conduit, and Writing As Much As Possible Before the Apocalypse: Author Interview with Jennifer Robin, Write or Die, 2023

Destination: DesireWorld Literature Today, 2020

When I Spoke in Tongues by Jessica Wilbanks, Angel City Review, 2019

Lily Blackburn writes from a blue desk in Portland, Oregon. She grew up in Humboldt County, California and is currently working on a novel. Contact: